Specialists - Pilates

Alina Buzu

Alina Buzu is the first female instructor of our team at Shape Art Pilates and she holds a Postgraduate's Degree in Physical Education and Sports, but she has also been an instructor in Fitness and Aerobics since 2012, as well as a Physical Education teacher in Petrache Poenaru Secondary School. She participated in Pilates on Tour Venice 2015, 2016.

When she is not practicing Pilates, Alina prefers swimming, trekking and playing tennis to keep fit, and when she wants to relax, she loves watching movies or travelling.

Her greatest satisfaction in her career as a Pilates instructor is given by the individual work with her clients which allows her to analyse the progress made by them.

Alina believes that the most beneficial aspect of Pilates is that you gain awareness of your own body through specific exercises. In addition, the correct breathing tehnique obtained through Pilates helps the oxygen to reach every part of the body and the strengthening of the pelvic muscles will help mothers give birth more easily and recover faster after birth.

If you want to have a good muscle tone, a good posture, to reduce your stress level and get rid of back pain, book a Pilates session with Alina.


Marius Neda

Marius is a Postgraduated student of the National University of Physical Education and Sports. From 2013 he is a physical education teacher at Secondary School number 150, in Bucharest. He participated in Pilates on Tour Venice 2015, 2016.

When he is not working in the Pilates studio, to keep fit, Marius prefers handball or swimming and to relax he likes to go fishing with his friends.

The satisfaction of being a pilates instructor career comes, in his opinion, from constant interaction with people and also from the fact that you can witness your clients physical and mental progress.

Marius believes that anyone, despite their age or physical training, can practice pilates. It is an excellent way for those who have not done sport but want to start a moderate activity. He says we should not forget that pilates it is, in fact, a medical method, so the exercises can be done even by those with back, knee or shoulder problems.

If you want to get rid of back pain and daily stress and at the same time obtain a good muscle tone and a good posture, book a session with Marius


Razvan Ciobanu

Razvan is a Postgraduate of the National University of Physical Education and Sports Bucharest, with specialization in Athletics, he was an athletics coach, but also a professional athlete in the discus throw for 7 years and now he is part of the Shape Art Pilates team. He participated in Pilates on Tour Venice 2015, 2016.

Despite the fact that you find him all the time in the Pilates studio, when manages to take some time off, Razvan loves travelling or going hiking in the mountains.

His biggest joy and main reason he has developed a passion and later a career in Pilates, is the opportunity to share his passion for sports with other people and the joy of training through a series of exercises that are beneficial to the mind and body.

He thinks that Pilates is the best way to discover yourself and evaluate your own physical skills while improving your self-image at the same time.

If you want to enjoy Pilates sessions full of professionalism and passion, Razvan will be pleased to meet you at Shape Art Pilates.


Ioana Istrate

Ioana is licensed in Physical Therapy, part of National University of Physical Education and Sports.As a physical therapist she worked in order to establish the best alignment for the people with postural problems. She also managed to develop her skills in manual therapy, by doing therapeutic massages, which helped her analyzed and be aware of the body structures in the most typical ways.

She practiced basketball and now she keeps her shape by doing mountain trips, bike hiking and kickboxing as a hobby.

Ioana considers that Pilates is a physical activity that gathers all the criteria to accomplish the perfect motion

Pilates creates a strong bond between body, mind and soul


Mirea Maghi Margareta

Hey, my name is Maghi and I am a master's student of the National University of Physical Education and Sport Bucharest, graduate of the Faculty of Sports Babeș-Bolyai from Cluj, specializing in gymnastics and athletics, graduate of the National Center for the Training and Improvement of Coaches. My journey in performance sports began at the age of 5 at the Olympic gymnastics center in Deva where I practiced gymnastics and performance athletics for 13 years. Starting in 2019, I started teaching both at state and private schools as a Physical Education and Sports Teacher and Personal Trainer. For 1 year I worked as a Wellness Trainer at Therme Bucharest where I learned the secrets of saunas and meditation.

When I'm not in the Pilates room to keep in shape, I prefer Fitness, Skiing, yoga, swimming, volleyball, for relaxation I like massage, sauna and hiking.

My main goal in my career as a Pilates instructor is to help people achieve strong physical and mental health and to share my practice with you.

I believe that Pilates is a method of strengthening the deep muscles, which are responsible for maintaining posture. The deep muscles are the core muscles, located between the ribs and the pelvis, as well as around the spine. They constitute the energy center of the body, which allows us to be stronger and more stable. Pilates is also a discipline that helps expectant mothers, it allows improving the knowledge of their own body, its strength and its limits in order to use it more intelligently.


Dora Vulcan

Dora Vulcan graduated from the Faculty of Sports and Motor Performance, the Master of Physical Education and Free Time Motor Activities from the National University of Physical Education and Sports.
She practiced performing artistic gymnastics for 16 years, of which 7 years she was part of the national gymnastics team, she was national champion 8 times and won 4th place in the parallel bars in the Doha World Cup competition, she was part from the team that represented Romania at the pre-olympics in Rio de Janeiro plus many other results.
After the competition in Rio, she was recognized as an artistic element at ground, which now bears the name "Vulcan". Currently, she no longer practices gymnastics, but she is the federal national referee in artistic gymnastics.
Dora is an ambitious, positive, very active and energetic person. She likes sports very much, in addition to her daily activities, she also finds time to go to the gym or swimming.
"It is very important for any person to practice a sporting activity of any kind, in order to keep your body healthy and young for as long as possible, and Pilates is an activity suitable for all categories of people, regardless of age or gender."