Specialists - Pilates

Angi Pencu
Ma numesc Angi Pencu si sunt instructor de Pilates, cu o pasiune profunda pentru sport si miscare. Inca din copilarie, mi-am dedicat energia activitatilor fizice, facand primii pasi in lumea sportului prin Karate. Aceasta disciplina mi-a insuflat valori fundamentale precum perseverenta, concentrarea si respectul pentru propria dezvoltare - principii care continua sa-mi ghideze atat viata, cat si cariera.
De-a lungul anilor, am explorat diverse forme de miscare care mi-au intarit trupul si mintea, iar Pilates-ul s-a dovedit a fi mai mult decat un simplu antrenament - a devenit o adevarata pasiune. Pentru a aprofunda aceasta practica, am urmat cursuri de specializare, dobandind cunostinte avansate si perfectionandu-mi tehnica, astfel incat sa pot transmite mai departe beneficiile remarcabile ale Pilates-ului. Experienta acumulata in fiecare sesiune, fie ca participant, fie ca instructor, m-a ajutat sa cresc atat profesional, cat si personal, invatand sa fiu atenta la nevoile si obiectivele fiecarei persoane cu care lucrez.
In timpul liber, imi place sa alerg in aer liber, o activitate care ma ajuta sa-mi mentin energia si sa-mi regasesc echilibrul interior. Momentele petrecute alaturi de familie sunt esentiale pentru mine, fiind o sursa de reconectare si motivatie in fata noilor provocari.
Sunt dedicata sa inspir si sa sprijin pe oricine isi doreste sa-si imbunatateasca sanatatea si starea de bine prin miscare. Cred cu tarie ca sportul este un mod de viata, iar bucuria de a transforma aceasta pasiune intr-o cariera este ceea ce ma inspira zilnic.
Daca iti doresti sa descoperi beneficiile Pilates-ului si sa te simti mai bine in corpul si mintea ta, te astept cu drag la orele mele!
Marius Neda
Marius is a Postgraduated student of the National University of Physical Education and Sports. From 2013 he is a physical education teacher at Secondary School number 150, in Bucharest. He participated in Pilates on Tour Venice 2015, 2016.
When he is not working in the Pilates studio, to keep fit, Marius prefers handball or swimming and to relax he likes to go fishing with his friends.
The satisfaction of being a pilates instructor career comes, in his opinion, from constant interaction with people and also from the fact that you can witness your clients physical and mental progress.
Marius believes that anyone, despite their age or physical training, can practice pilates. It is an excellent way for those who have not done sport but want to start a moderate activity. He says we should not forget that pilates it is, in fact, a medical method, so the exercises can be done even by those with back, knee or shoulder problems.
If you want to get rid of back pain and daily stress and at the same time obtain a good muscle tone and a good posture, book a session with Marius

Razvan Ciobanu
Razvan is a Postgraduate of the National University of Physical Education and Sports Bucharest, with specialization in Athletics, he was an athletics coach, but also a professional athlete in the discus throw for 7 years and now he is part of the Shape Art Pilates team. He participated in Pilates on Tour Venice 2015, 2016.
Despite the fact that you find him all the time in the Pilates studio, when manages to take some time off, Razvan loves travelling or going hiking in the mountains.
His biggest joy and main reason he has developed a passion and later a career in Pilates, is the opportunity to share his passion for sports with other people and the joy of training through a series of exercises that are beneficial to the mind and body.
He thinks that Pilates is the best way to discover yourself and evaluate your own physical skills while improving your self-image at the same time.
If you want to enjoy Pilates sessions full of professionalism and passion, Razvan will be pleased to meet you at Shape Art Pilates.
Ioana Istrate
Ioana is licensed in Physical Therapy, part of National University of Physical Education and Sports.As a physical therapist she worked in order to establish the best alignment for the people with postural problems. She also managed to develop her skills in manual therapy, by doing therapeutic massages, which helped her analyzed and be aware of the body structures in the most typical ways.
She practiced basketball and now she keeps her shape by doing mountain trips, bike hiking and kickboxing as a hobby.
Ioana considers that Pilates is a physical activity that gathers all the criteria to accomplish the perfect motion
Pilates creates a strong bond between body, mind and soul

Mirea Maghi Margareta
Hey, my name is Maghi and I am a master's student of the National University of Physical Education and Sport Bucharest, graduate of the Faculty of Sports Babeș-Bolyai from Cluj, specializing in gymnastics and athletics, graduate of the National Center for the Training and Improvement of Coaches. My journey in performance sports began at the age of 5 at the Olympic gymnastics center in Deva where I practiced gymnastics and performance athletics for 13 years. Starting in 2019, I started teaching both at state and private schools as a Physical Education and Sports Teacher and Personal Trainer. For 1 year I worked as a Wellness Trainer at Therme Bucharest where I learned the secrets of saunas and meditation.
When I'm not in the Pilates room to keep in shape, I prefer Fitness, Skiing, yoga, swimming, volleyball, for relaxation I like massage, sauna and hiking.
My main goal in my career as a Pilates instructor is to help people achieve strong physical and mental health and to share my practice with you.
I believe that Pilates is a method of strengthening the deep muscles, which are responsible for maintaining posture. The deep muscles are the core muscles, located between the ribs and the pelvis, as well as around the spine. They constitute the energy center of the body, which allows us to be stronger and more stable. Pilates is also a discipline that helps expectant mothers, it allows improving the knowledge of their own body, its strength and its limits in order to use it more intelligently.
Medeea Mester
Sunt Medeea Mester, o persoana dinamica, ambitioasa si dedicata lucrurilor care ma pasioneaza. Sunt studenta la Facultatea de Educatie Fizica si Sport si am experienta ca instructor de Pilates si maseuza.
Drumul meu in sport a inceput inca din copilarie, cand am practicat inotul. De-a lungul anilor, am explorat diverse discipline sportive, precum volei, handbal, dansuri si atletism, acesta din urma facand parte din viata mea timp de 5 ani. In prezent, imi place sa alerg, sa citesc, sa ma antrenez in sala de forta si sa fac drumetii pe munte.
Am inceput sa predau Pilates din dorinta de a impartasi cu altii beneficiile pe care le-am descoperit personal in aceasta practica. Pilates este o activitate holistica ce pregateste si sprijina corpul in indeplinirea activitatilor zilnice.
Pentru mine, satisfactia in aceasta meserie vine din predarea corecta, tehnica si placuta a acestui sport, precum si din ajutorul pe care il ofer clientilor pentru a-si imbunatati flexibilitatea, forta si postura. Prin tehnici specifice de respiratie si control al miscarilor, scopul meu este ca fiecare persoana sa plece de la antrenament mai detensionata, cu o postura imbunatatita, plina de energie si cu zambetul pe buze.
Daca doresti sa descoperi beneficiile Pilates si sa te simti mai bine in corpul tau, te astept cu drag la orele mele.